
Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Terminologie: cert_master: Rechner, auf dem die Zertifikate angefordert und gesammelt sind. cert_client: Rechner, auf den die Zertifikate übertragen werden. …“
cert_master: Rechner, auf dem die Zertifikate angefordert und gesammelt sind.
cert_client: Rechner, auf den die Zertifikate übertragen werden.

Vorbereitungen für Cert_master:

apache, openssl installieren

Dehydrated besorgen:

git clone https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated

an passende stelle kopieren, /etc/dehydrated erstellen

cp dehydrated/dehydrated /usr/local/sbin/dehydrated

folgende Dateien erstellen:

<source lang=bash>
# This is the main config file for dehydrated #
# #
# This file is looked for in the following locations: #
# $SCRIPTDIR/config (next to this script) #
# /usr/local/etc/dehydrated/config #
# /etc/dehydrated/config #
# ${PWD}/config (in current working-directory) #
# #
# Default values of this config are in comments #

# Resolve names to addresses of IP version only. (curl)
# supported values: 4, 6
# default:

# Path to certificate authority (default:
# https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory)

# Path to license agreement (default:
# https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.1.1-August-1-2016.pdf)

# Which challenge should be used? Currently http-01 and dns-01 are supported

# Path to a directory containing additional config files, allowing to
# override
# the defaults found in the main configuration file. Additional config files
# in this directory needs to be named with a '.sh' ending.
# default:

# Base directory for account key, generated certificates and list of domains
# (default: $SCRIPTDIR -- uses config directory if undefined)

# File containing the list of domains to request certificates for (default:
# $BASEDIR/domains.txt)

# Output directory for generated certificates

# Directory for account keys and registration information

# Output directory for challenge-tokens to be served by webserver or
# deployed in HOOK (default: /var/www/dehydrated)

# Default keysize for private keys (default: 4096)

# Path to openssl config file (default: - tries to figure out system
# default)

# Program or function called in certain situations
# After generating the challenge-response, or after failed challenge (in
# this case altname is empty)
# Given arguments: clean_challenge|deploy_challenge altname token-filename
# token-content
# After successfully signing certificate
# Given arguments: deploy_cert domain path/to/privkey.pem path/to/cert.pem
# path/to/fullchain.pem
# BASEDIR and WELLKNOWN variables are exported and can be used in an
# external program
# default:
# Chain clean_challenge|deploy_challenge arguments together into one hook
# call per certificate (default: no)

# Minimum days before expiration to automatically renew certificate
# (default: 30)

# Regenerate private keys instead of just signing new certificates on
# renewal (default: yes)

# Create an extra private key for rollover (default: no)

# Which public key algorithm should be used? Supported: rsa, prime256v1 and
# secp384r1

# E-mail to use during the registration (default: )

# Lockfile location, to prevent concurrent access (default: $BASEDIR/lock)
# Minimum days before expiration to automatically renew certificate
# (default: 30)

# Regenerate private keys instead of just signing new certificates on
# renewal (default: yes)

# Create an extra private key for rollover (default: no)

# Which public key algorithm should be used? Supported: rsa, prime256v1 and
# secp384r1

# E-mail to use during the registration (default: )

# Lockfile location, to prevent concurrent access (default: $BASEDIR/lock)

# Option to add CSR-flag indicating OCSP stapling to be mandatory (default:
# no)

<source lang=bash>
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function deploy_challenge {
local DOMAIN="${1}" TOKEN_FILENAME="${2}" TOKEN_VALUE="${3}"
# This hook is called once for every domain that needs to be
# validated, including any alternative names you may have listed.
# Parameters:
# The domain name (CN or subject alternative name) being
# validated.
# The name of the file containing the token to be served for HTTP
# validation. Should be served by your web server as
# /.well-known/acme-challenge/${TOKEN_FILENAME}.
# The token value that needs to be served for validation. For DNS
# validation, this is what you want to put in the _acme-challenge
# TXT record. For HTTP validation it is the value that is expected
# be found in the $TOKEN_FILENAME file.
function clean_challenge {
local DOMAIN="${1}" TOKEN_FILENAME="${2}" TOKEN_VALUE="${3}"
# This hook is called after attempting to validate each domain,
# whether or not validation was successful. Here you can delete
# files or DNS records that are no longer needed.
# The parameters are the same as for deploy_challenge.
function deploy_cert {
local DOMAIN="${1}" KEYFILE="${2}" CERTFILE="${3}" FULLCHAINFILE="${4}" CHAINFILE="${5}" TIMESTAMP="${6}"
# This hook is called once for each certificate that has been
# produced. Here you might, for instance, copy your new certificates
# to service-specific locations and reload the service.
# Parameters:
# The primary domain name, i.e. the certificate common
# name (CN).
# The path of the file containing the private key.
# The path of the file containing the signed certificate.
# The path of the file containing the full certificate chain.
# The path of the file containing the intermediate certificate(s).
# Timestamp when the specified certificate was created.
#systemctl reload nginx
#if [ "$DOMAIN" = "smtp.xxx.xxx" ]
# then
# systemctl restart postfix dovecot

# Copy certs to apache, fix permissions
mkdir -p /etc/apache2/ssl/$DOMAIN/
cp $KEYFILE /etc/apache2/ssl/$DOMAIN/
cp $CERTFILE /etc/apache2/ssl/$DOMAIN/
cp $CHAINFILE /etc/apache2/ssl/$DOMAIN/

chown www-data.www-data -R /etc/apache2/ssl/
chmod -R 0700 /etc/apache2/ssl/
apachectl graceful

# Copy certs to cert home dir
mkdir -p /home/cert/$DOMAIN/

cp $KEYFILE /home/cert/$DOMAIN/
cp $CERTFILE /home/cert/$DOMAIN/
cp $CHAINFILE /home/cert/$DOMAIN/

chmod 500 $(find /home/cert -mindepth 1 -type d )
chmod 400 $(find /home/cert -mindepth 1 -type f )
chown cert.cert -R /home/cert/*
function unchanged_cert {
local DOMAIN="${1}" KEYFILE="${2}" CERTFILE="${3}" FULLCHAINFILE="${4}" CHAINFILE="${5}"
# This hook is called once for each certificate that is still
# valid and therefore wasn't reissued.
# Parameters:
# The primary domain name, i.e. the certificate common
# name (CN).
# The path of the file containing the private key.
# The path of the file containing the signed certificate.
# The path of the file containing the full certificate chain.
# The path of the file containing the intermediate certificate(s).
HANDLER=$1; shift; $HANDLER $@

<source lang=bash>
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